Your scanner can use either regular alkaline batteries or rechargeable nickel-metal hydryde (NiMH) batteries.
The batteries that came with your scanner are rechargeable NiMH.(Batteries are not included with the BC346XTC.)

To install the batteries,

  1. Remove the cover from the battery compartment.
  2. Make sure that the charge switch is set to the correct battery type (except BC346XTC):
    • Use the Alkaline setting for any regular or non-rechargeable battery
    • Use the NiMH setting for any rechargeable battery
  3. Make sure the polarity (plus and minus) of each battery matches the diagram inside the compartment.
  4. Replace the battery compartment cover.
Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng BatteryCompartment.png manage 36.9 K 02 Dec 2008 - 21:47 PaulOpitz