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SDS200 Firmware Update Change Log

All firmware updates are done using Sentinel.

Before applying updates, you should back up your programming. Always use the latest version of Sentinel to update.

1.21.00 Main (6/29/2022)

This firmware applies the following enhancements and bug fixes:

1.10.00 Main (4/15/2019)

This firmware applies the following enhancements and bug fixes:

1.09.02 Main (4/5/2019)

This firmware applies the following enhancements and bug fixes:

1.02.01 Sub / 1.08.05 Main (3/7/2019)

Be sure to also update Sentinel when applying this update.

This firmware update applies the following new settings and bug fixes:

1.02.00 Sub / 1.07.04 Main

First release firmware adds additional countermeasures to help in strong signal areas (especially for VHF/UHF). It also adds a user option to set the default RF High Pass Filter (HPF) used.


Note: If Auto is selected, conventional scan and search speed will be greatly slowed, as every frequency on which a signal is not detected on first pass will be rescanned using the inverted HPF setting.

MENU --> MANAGE FAVORITES --> REVIEW/EDIT SYSTEM --> EDIT SITE --> SET FILTER (Setting menu for trunked systems)

MENU --> MANAGE FAVORITES --> REVIEW/EDIT SYSTEM --> EDIT DEPARTMENT --> SET FILTER (Setting menu for conventional systems)

MENU --> SRCH/CLOCALL OPT --> SET FILTER (Setting menu for Close Call and Search)