You are here: Home > UnidenScannersUsersGuides > TemplateP25WaitingTime
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On channels that contain a mix of analog and digital signals (i.e., where the Audio Mode is set to All), it is possible to have false decode problems caused by digital noise at the beginning of transmissions. To prevent this, a user-configurable P25 wait time (from 0 to 1000 ms) has been added.

During the wait time, the scanner evaluates the received signal; if it detects P25 data, the scanner opens squelch immediately. If it does not detect any P25 data, the scanner opens squelch as soon as the wait time expires.

Note: Any analog transmissions on this channel will lose the first part of the transmission, up to the wait time you set here.

Select the number of milliseconds (after the start of a transmission) the scanner should wait while checking for P25 data. Choose a number from 0 through 1000 ms in 100 ms increments. The scanner only applies the wait time setting to Conventional or Motorola (non P25) systems, and only when the channel's Audio Mode setting is All.