BCD536HP Wi-Fi Firmware Instructions (PAGE UPDATED 6/25/2021)

This page outlines the steps needed to update the Wi-Fi Dongle and the scanner firmware. It also includes a Remote Head utility that allows control using your PC.



Check the version by MENU --> WIFI SETUP --> SHOW WI-FI INFORMATION.

  1. Download Wi-Fi-Updater.zip.
  2. Unzip the files downloaded in Step 1. Then, unzip the files in STM_VCP.zip.
  3. Navigate to the STM_VCP directory and run either VCP_V1.3.1_Setup.exe or VCP_V1.3.1_Setup_x64.exe depending on whether you are running a 32-bit or 64-bit OS.
  4. Plug the Wi-Fi dongle directly into a USB port on your PC and allow it to install (you will hear the device "connect" tone indicating the device driver is installed and the device has connected if your PC's volume is turned up).
  5. Unzip and install BC-WF1_FirmwareUpdater_Version0.00.05.zip from the zip file you downloaded in Step 1.
  6. Run the program you installed in Step 5 by navigating to the Uniden --> BCDx36HP --> BC_Wifi_Updater application launcher in your programs list.You might have to run this as administrator by either:
    • Right clicking on the file, and selecting Run as Administrator;
    • Or, pressing and holding Ctrl+Shift while opening the program.
  7. When prompted, point the updater to the BC_WF1_V7_28.bin file unzipped in Step 2, select the com port that was assigned to the dongle, then press OK to apply the update.
    There will be about a 45 second pause at the beginning of the update, during which time the program might appear unresponsive. You will hear the device disconnect/connect tone if your PC's volume is turned up, then the update will proceed.
  8. Now, click the below link to update the scanner's firmware.

START HERE IF YOUR WI-FI MODULE IS V4.X OR ALREADY 7.X or after you've performed the above steps

Update to the latest version of Sentinel

Download, unzip, and install Sentinel from: BCDx36HPSentinel

Update the Scanner and Wi-Fi Dongle Firmware


  1. Plug your scanner into your PC and select Mass Storage mode.
  2. Run BCDx36HP Sentinel and select Update --> Update Firmware.
  3. Unplug the USB cable from your PC. The update should start and be applied.

Install VLC Media Player

To monitor your scanner's audio using your PC, you need to use media player software that supports network streams. We recommend VLC Media Player. Go to http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-windows.html and install VLC media player.

Run VLC Media Player

After starting VLC, select the scanner's audio by selecting MEDIA --> Network Stream and then entering rtsp:// (replace the IP address with the actual IP address of your scanner, which you can find by MENU --> Wi-Fi Setup --> Show Wi-Fi Information after connecting your scanner to a network or initiating Access Point Mode). Note that the scanner and PC must be on the same network.

You should begin hearing the scanner's audio through your PC speaker.

Run the Remote Control Test Software

Click on RH-536HP_mkII.zip to run the test application. The scanner can be controlled using this remote software.

1.28.24 Release Notes (03/24/2025)

Release Notes

The following improvements have been implemented.
  1. Supports DMR Tier 3 Multi-Block VCH Grant.
  2. Improved to detect DMR Tier 3 Capacity Max late entry messages.
  3. Added Weather EAS event codes: SQW, BLU, EWW, SSW, SSA

1.28.17 Release Notes (06/12/2024)

Release Notes

The following fixes and improvements have been implemented.
  1. More than 16 NXDN RANs cannot be Quick Saved.
  2. When restarting in Service Search mode or Band Scope mode, NXDN4800 cannot be decoded.
  3. NXDN9600 Full rate cannot be decoded.
  4. The P25 Phase 2 NAC was not displayed correctly on voice channels.
  5. The P25 Phase 2 Unit ID was not displayed correctly.
  6. Extend the allowing time for receiving P25/DMR/NXDN OFT.

1.28.16 Release Notes (07/13/2022)

Release Notes:
1. Fixed an issue where the new radio hardware could not decode digital communications in the frequency range of 171.2250 – 173.9875MHz.

1.28.14 Release Notes (06/25/2021)

ONLY use Sentinel to upgrade firmware. Some users have rendered their scanners non-functional using other update methods.

Housekeeping update to accommodate revised hardware - No functional change from 1.26.00.

1.26.00 Release Notes (04/20/2019)

Release Notes:
  1. Change to disable housekeeping when scanning only one site
  2. Support for displaying EA EDACS system ID
  3. Fixed reboot issue with many sessions in user recording mode
  4. Fixed squelch backlight issues
  5. Sped up record file search
  6. Improved the clarity of digital voice
  7. Modified muting issue during analog reception
  8. Modified the valid condition of EDACS system ID

1.23.00 Release Notes (06/12/2018)

Note that LCN finder on DMR system using RAS will not be 100% reliable, since there is no error detection on RAS systems. You might need to run several times, noting the results each time, then selecting the LCN based on all results.

1.22.00 Release Notes (06/01/2018)

1.21.00 Release Notes (05/25/2018)

1.20.00 Release Notes (05/18/2018)

Note: After applying new firmware, the TGID format for NXDN Trunk Systems will be set to the default (NEXEDGE type). When scanning an IDAS system, you will need to set the TGID to IDAS type again. If you do not, you can scan correctly, but the display will become NEXEDGE type.

1.19.00 Release Notes (05/11/2018)

1.18.00 Release Notes (05/02/2018)

1.17.00 Release Notes (04/27/2018)

1.16.00 Release Notes (04/23/2018)

Corrected an issue that caused open squelch on previous version.

1.15.00 Release Notes (04/20/2018)

1.14.00 Release Notes (3/26/2018)

1.11.31 Release Notes (7/7/2017)

1.11.20 Release Notes (11/14/2016)

Adjusted digital filter to improve P25 reception.

1.11.15 Release Notes (7/27/2016)

1.10.02 Release Notes (12/4/2015)

IMPORTANT: You must use Sentinel version 1.06.00 or later after applying this update. Download at BCD536HP.

1.09.02 Release Notes (10/27/2015)

IMPORTANT: You must use Sentinel v1.05.00 or later after applying this update. See link, above.

1.08.07 Release Notes (9/3/2015)

BCD536HP v1.06.10 Revision Notes (4/10/2015)

This firmware version includes the following updates, enhancements, and bug fixes:

BCD536HP v1.05.01 Revision Notes

This firmware version includes the following updates, enhancements, and bug fixes:

BCDx36HP Sentinel v1.03.01 Revision Notes

Remote Command Plan

This is provided as-is and without support. It is still considered a preliminary document. It might contain errors or omissions. Any command function or feature could be modified or removed at a later date. Any command shown that has not yet been implemented in firmware may or may not be implemented at some future date.

Remote Command Specification 1.05 and Menu Tree Specification v1.07 (updated 5/15/2018)

Topic attachments
I Attachments Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFPDF BCD536HP_V1_28_16.zip manage 2.2 Mb 13 June 2024 - 15:30 UnknownUser  
PDFpdf BCDx36HP_MenuTreeSpecification_V1_07.pdf manage 612.0 K 15 May 2018 - 12:38 UnknownUser  
PDFpdf BCDx36HP_RemoteCommand_Specification_V1_03.pdf manage 203.8 K 18 Jul 2016 - 13:17 UnknownUser  
PDFpdf BCDx36HP_RemoteCommand_Specification_V1_05.pdf manage 641.5 K 15 May 2018 - 12:35 UnknownUser  
Compressed Zip archivezip BCDx36HP_V1_11_16.zip manage 4225.5 K 29 Jul 2016 - 14:11 UnknownUser  
Unknown file formatxlsx MenuTreeSpecification_V1_03.xlsx manage 200.4 K 14 Sep 2015 - 14:45 UnknownUser  
Compressed Zip archivezip RH-536HP_mkII.zip manage 141.4 K 18 Jul 2016 - 13:18 PaulOpitz  
Compressed Zip archivezip RH-536HP_mkII_code_v0_02_12.zip manage 299.3 K 17 Jan 2019 - 16:51 UnknownUser